Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Finally a Blogger


I have decided to finally start a blog. Since the beginning of this year, I really have become fascinated with technological advance (i.e mostly Twitter) and the ability to communicate in a efficient and fast way.

In this technological and shrinking world we live in, there is a rising importance of a variety of different communication means. Soon, I don't think we're really there yet, but everyone will want to know or soon want to know what everyone else is doing a exact moment of time.

Yes, the world has experienced bloggers and new means of communication, but I think that a large majority of people do not take the time out of their busy schedules to dive into these fascinating ways to communicate.

In the not so distant future, I definitely think that there will be a need to be online mostly 24/7 for a variety of different reasons.

In this particular blog, I am open to talk about everything and anything. I hope to start a dialogue with people of all different eclectic upbringings. From sports, religion, school, careers, death, life...I am up for discussion of all different kinds.



1 comment:

  1. I disagree - the time for constant updates and status checking is not for the future - it is NOW, then again this post is from Feb 2009, incredibly so much has changed since then - it's important to note that not only is technology (and the younger generations that for the most part support it) advancing and morphing, it is advancing at an accelerated rate, leading even a thorough analysis of last year or even last fall obsolete.

    Check out what I wrote about the subject here:

    as well as this info about twitter here:

    of course by my own logic, both of these are horribly, horribly out of date by now.

    good luck, this blog is apparently a big deal to you.
